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Photos from the Dark Side

Zen, karma and inner peace..
..are all very nice but it's all a bit boring really isn't it?? No it is not - not any more, now you too can experience the power and beauty that are Corx. Many a useful study period has been wasted away with these ingenious pieces of wood (lets face it lads - it's just a lump of wood) which serve no other purpose than to annoy Kev Downes (a worthy cause I feel) and while away those hours when you're stuck with conversationally retarded individuals such as Ian Bridges and Guy Dankes.

I copied this fom the Corx website 'cos I'm not clever enough to write it myself.
After you've get your head round the technique for getting
the corx to stand, you are then ready to
compete....because corx is not just a game, but a way of
life, an attitude, a spiritual approach to problem solving,
it's pure simplicity can bring joy into your life, because to
be a player, a true player you have to acheive Zen,
- alright we may be pushing things a bit, but corx is a
competitive table sport, taking much concentration,
dexterity and an intuitive understanding of why the corx
do what they do - you know when your 'locked' in.
Like other sports theres days when your hot and days
when your not, and in general: - the more you play the
better you get, although you could be a natural.

To find out more about corx, email me or visit the website - NOW!

Go to Corx online!!