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Photos from the Dark Side

An insight into the mind of a Physics student - ie a pile of shite.
At last the day has come, we each go our seperate ways, off into the deep, dark, depths of university life. Who knows who will survive, who will fall by the wayside as under-nourished, shell-shocked drug addicted, anti-nazi, God fearing drop-outs who can now only watch as the people they once thought they knew soar into the dizzy heights of accounting and corporate management.
I am now fully and happily enroled as a member of the University of Salford Student Union, unhappily I am also a member of the Physics department. The latter ask me questions, the former help me find answers - unfortunately not to the same questions but I have a laugh in the meantime anyway.
This is me on my way to play footy with the lads.
The Magic of Corx
Find out about the zen of Corx an why they have over taken table football as the game to play when monged out in the social area!

Brand new site!!!
AS brand new site has now been created - it dedicated to my entire house - house 96 castle Irwell, the site contains profiles of all the housemates plus photos from various mischief we have been up to. Anyway check it out it might make you chuckle.

Send Me Pictures - NOW!! .. please?
If anyone has any more pictures I could use - of anything really - then let me know and I will be truly grateful (not like that).

Also if you know anyone who hasn't been to this website yet then tell them now!


Where Men Buy Stuff.
This place sells all the (legal) stuff you could ever want - including Corx. It's really really great.