Freak Show ('cept without any freaks)




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Photos from the Dark Side


Lets face it I haven't got any pictures of my mates to hand so I'm using the lil' characters that appear on the side of Corx.
I'll have some real pictures soon - honest!

James Ireland : extremely interesting chap

Oh Ginger Bearded One - why is your bleedin' beard red??

6'1" wide 5'11" tall this is big Johnny weighing in at coloss...

Paul and Matt - the Likely Lads - just bigger.

Dan Whitey - "Crash's a gerald?"

Fran - nickname Mr. Bump because she's really clumsy and is a man.

Dunno much about Nina 'cept she looks exactly like this picture.

Louise - is dating a packet of sweets

Good ol' Dave - Jus' lookin' cool!

left to right: Ian, John Sted, Taffy, Rob S, Vernon (with the wig), Fran, Louise, Steve, Ed, Prosser and Andy A.

This is a bastard. (from a distance)

Look at his eyes! look at his eyes! he's focked! he's focked!!

'shit lads a girl just touched.. leg.'

Bloody 'ell it's a bloke but ...

Dave is attacked with a giant prosthetic limb while Rob tries to remove the ghetto blaster someone sneakily stuck to his neck when he wasn't looking.

There were some tense moments at the Bluebell but no-one was hurt.

Ireland is all flushed at the thought of hs new mates 'pistol grip'.

3 hours into the deathstare competition Matt is feeling the pressure. After 3 hours 47 minutes the beer can was crowned champion.

The come down stinks.

Ed may never smile but he's enjoying himself really.

A dead sexy bloke in a Pink Panther costume (ok ok it's me really)

Despite John not padding his bra out, the effect was still quite startling.







